Baptism: Generally celebrated during liturgy. Preparation sessions with parents of infants are available each month or by appointment. Call the Parish Office at 399-5713.
Marriage: Couples should contact the Parish Office at least 6 months in advance to make arrangements.
Adult Initiation: The Church welcomes all inquirers in the faith. Please call the Faith Formation Office for further information.
Eucharist for the Homebound We would like to bring the Eucharist to our homebound and visit those in the hospital and nursing home. Please call the Parish Office to help make arrangements.
Anointing: Anointing is done communally within Mass in the Spring. We are also glad to make arrangements for individuals experiencing serious illness or surgery. Please call the Parish Office.
Reconciliation: We have Communal Reconciliation Services, in Advent and during Lent. Individual appointments can be arranged by calling the Parish Office.